1,000 Dead — How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush?

Michael Moore’s Blog: “1,000 Dead — How Do You Sleep Mr. Bush?

Watching TV, the anchorman says, ‘A milestone tonight, the 1,000th American soldier to die in Iraq.’ 13 soldiers have died in the past two days. We don’t know how many Iraqi civilians have died in the bombing of Fallujah and Sadr City today, but hey, they’re just Iraqis! All this killing, for what?

Bush now comes on the screen. His shirt is soaked with sweat. It is most days. Have you noticed this? Yes, we are men, and yes, we sweat, but man, this guy is drenched. I feel bad for him. He is not really up to the job of executioner (although it seemed so easy with his death row rat-a-tat-tat back in Texas).”






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