Thomas Street Situation Update

We have some news. Not exactly good news. Our landlords have responded. They have responded by sending us a copy of their application to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

They are seeking to have us re-instate the front and back yards to their original condition within 14 days of the tribunal date (of which we are yet to be notified – it will very likely be within three weeks). If we don’t comply, they are seeking compensation and possession of the premises immediately.

We will send one last letter (via the agent) asking them if there is any last chance of coming to some kind of informal agreement. But with the application to VCAT, our earlier optimism about achieving such an outcome is abating. It seems the VCAT hearing will almost certainly go ahead. If the tribunal magistrate sides with the landlords, our garden has to go. If our garden has to go, then we will have to go. We would get too hungry living here without it.

So, that is the latest, and we just wanted to let interested folks know where things currently stand. We are still figuring out what to make of it – where to move from here. Then again, we are where we are, and though this is not what we were hoping for, we will most definitely be continuing to focus on the positive things that have come and can continue to come from all this.

The Thomas Street Crew






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