Indonesian government making some good noises


Kaban ready for a dialog with Greenpeace

Yogyakarta –  Forestry Minister MS Kaban has said he was ready to discuss about the positive offer from GP to the halt peatland usage by the government. The government, however, will ask the opinion from experts and forestry scientists on the benefits and drawback about the demand.

"We are ready to have a dialog with them. But we need to discuss first the benefit and drawback for us," said Kaban after attending a seminar at the School of Forestry of the Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta on Sunday.

He said, the government had noticed the inputs from GP if the idea is in line with government's mission and development in environment.

He also said that the government remained committed to reduce illegal logging.

The minister expected illegal logging would be a severe headache.  "We are consistent. All parties just need to have full awareness. This isn't like recurrent headache," he said.






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