Some new Pics

Some new pics of Maya and (gradually) ourselves are appearing from our last few months in Bali and Perth.

look for them in here.

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2 responses to “Some new Pics”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Hi Adrian, (and Cat and little Maya). This is Simone (McCann, from school). A friend told me about this page and I thought I’d hop on and have a look.

    Your little Daughter is so beautiful. I, too, have a Daughter named Maya (!). She was born on the 9th December, 2005 (nearly 2). It’s funny actually, as she kinda looks a little like your Maya, both have lots of dark hair. I guess both of us Leos help to create gorgeous children and have superb taste in names!

    It’s lovely to look at some pics of you and your family, and see how well you’re doing and how happy you are.

    I have another Daughter, Tenille (11), and a Husband, Gwyn. I was doing Law at uni, but took a sabbatical due to boredom and wanting to focus wholly on Motherhood. We’ve just built a house down south near Mandurah, actually due to move in next weekend. I still see Jo, Julie and the rest of the gang from school on a regular basis (some of whom you probably don’t remember). I’d love to catch up with Maddie, I hear she’s living in Freo and has toddler twin boys; I plan to look her up shortly.

    I saw your Dad a few years ago up at El Caballo (Mansion) where we stayed for a friend’s wedding. That was nice – he’s still the same.

    Well, I’m off. Take care of yourself, and warm wishes,
    Simone 🙂

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