Don’t Pulp Our Future

This week the Greens will be voting no to Gunns’ proposed polluting chemical and pulp mill.

You elected us to parliament to represent the community, not to be a rubber stamp for big business who represent only the interests of their shareholders, and often against the long-term interests of Tasmania.

If built the pulp mill will turn northern Tasmania into a virtual industrial zone.

Lennon Labor has corrupted the planning system and corrupted parliamentary processes.

We have listened carefully to community and science and the Greens will reject this polluting mill.

We urge you to tell all your parliamentary representatives to vote to protect our lifestyles and say no to Lennon’s fast-track process and no to the proposed mill.

Key Areas NOT Being Assessed
All elected representatives in the State Parliament should reject this fast-track process which ignores:
Human Health Impacts
Odour, air pollution, noise pollution, road safety – all identified over and over as being key areas of concern for the community. But…
Transport Impacts
Additional 164 log trucks per day and other heavy vehicles travelling on our local metropolitan and rural roads. But…
Fishing Industry Impacts
2006 Total net value for the Tasmanian Seafood Industry is $448 million. Over 7000 employed (directly & indirectly).1 But…
Forest Impacts
Logging to feed the mill could destroy high conservation value native forests in the North-East highlands, Great Western Tiers, Blue Tier and the Eastern Tiers, Ben Lomond. Plantations are destroying local farming communities. But…
Tourism Impacts
Worth approximately $300 million to the Tamar Valley annually.2 58% of operators polled by EMRS believe there will be a negative effect on the Tasmanian Brand. 34% believe mill will impact upon their businesses. But…
Wine Industry Impacts
Foul odours produced by the mill could impact negatively upon nearby vineyards, particularly cellar door operations. The Wine Industry have identified three key areas of concern: odours, emissions and log truck traffic.3 But…
Water Impacts
Gunns Ltd has a deal with hydro securing 24,000 megalitres per annum up to a maximum of 40,000 megalitres per annum. But…
Risk Assessment/Business Compensation
If the mill had a catastrophic failure or continual polluting events, damage to entire Tasmanian economy would be huge. But…
1 Tasmanian Fishing Industry Council, Letter to the Premier, published 11 August 2007.
2 Industry source estimate, The Examiner, 32 June 2007.
3 Wine Industry Tasmania, Letter to Members of the House of Assembly, 16 August 2007.






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