Police remove Greenpeace mine activists. 11/08/2005. ABC News Online

Police remove Greenpeace mine activists. 11/08/2005. ABC News Online: “Greenpeace protesters who broke into a Latrobe Valley coal mine in eastern Victoria have been removed by police.

About 40 protesters, some dressed as power workers and wind turbines, broke into the Hazelwood Coal mine early this morning by cutting padlocks.

Four of the demonstrators scaled a 40-metre high dredger and chained themselves to the machine for eight hours in cold and rainy conditions.

Melbourne police were called in to cut them free.

Greenpeace clean energy campaigner Mark Wakeham says the activists were protesting Victorian Government negotiations to extend Hazelwood’s coal mining licence for another 20 years.

‘Premier Bracks is locking Victoria into a dirty energy future unless he retires Hazelwood,’ Mr Wakeham said.

International Power Hazelwood Jim Coutts says production has not been affected and security at the site will be reviewed.

‘Hazelwood power station has had a significant improvement in its efficiency,’ Mr Coutts said.

At least 12 protesters are expected to be charged on summons.”






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