Category: Facebook Posts
Facebook Post: 2012-04-20T16:33:30
hilarious and horribly accurate.
Facebook Post: 2012-04-19T16:43:42
just in case all your personal information on facebook getting into the wrong hands freaks you out a bit… take a look at this 😉
Facebook Post: 2012-04-11T10:10:55
Facebook Post: 2012-04-01T14:32:12
Maya w/ found bird nest at the botanic gardens.
Facebook Post: 2012-02-21T23:24:40
érdekes. nagyszerű képek … Vetkőzős aktivizmus: Fedetlen keblekkel a diktatúra ellen
Facebook Post: 2012-02-21T20:19:15
Atom Hearts Cold Memories a bargain on beatport
Facebook Post: 2012-02-11T16:44:38
Happy 5th birthday Maya! (how time flies)
Facebook Post: 2012-02-05T10:15:57
Yay. “Your application for the position of Comms Operator has been lodged successfully.” With a bit of luck I may be working in Antarctica next summer with the Australian Antarctic Division.
Facebook Post: 2011-12-10T13:02:20
Maya is filling in for my lack of knowledge (interest) in ornamental plants (already) by pointing out (and naming) an alstromeria in a passing bouquet. Brilliant.
Facebook Post: 2011-12-02T15:10:38
Saying goodbye for 2011