Category: Uncategorized
What a head of hair!
Cat very pleased with her bundle
Our first photo of Maya
Cat at the onset of labour
Adrian Wedd and Daughter Maya
Green My Apple
You’d think that a company with headquarters at ‘1 Infinite Loop,’ would understand the concept of recycling. If Apple is really so proud of its well-made products there shouldn’t be any problem promoting a global take-back program for all of its products.
Rainfall percentiles – Australian maps
this is handy Rainfall percentiles – Australian maps:“These percentile maps show rainfall as it has been ranked against the historical record (ranking based on monthly totals). For example, the 10th percentile maps mark off the lowest 10% of rainfall totals. This means that 10% of the records are lower than the 10th percentile rainfall values…
Packing and Cleaning
we’re almost completely out of Thomas Street now, having submitted our business plan to NEIS on the 11th and having worked like mad packing, cleaning and moving our lives and newborn business. The lawn is looking great. Our land line numbers will be deactivated tomorrow, as will our broadband (can’t get it yet in Bena,…
- is online
and viridescens will be up and running within a month. more soon.
Can I pick your brain?
We’re about to commence some market research to help us fine tune our business planning process – if you’d like to help and fear we might not nag you, please send me an email. similarly, if anyone knows of any existing market research in permaculture fields and cares to point us to it, feel free…