Tag: AGI

  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to LangChain, DeepLake, and OpenAI

    The Hitchhiker’s Guide to LangChain, DeepLake, and OpenAI

    Explore the universe of AI with Zaphod, Marvin, and Ford as they use LangChain, DeepLake, and OpenAI to revolutionize codebases and enhance productivity. Follow Zaphod’s journey as he delves into the mysteries of these cutting-edge technologies and creates a working codebase, all while enjoying his favourite Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster.

  • Building a Smarter AGI: An Experiment with BabyAGI and LangChain

    Building a Smarter AGI: An Experiment with BabyAGI and LangChain

    Discover how we used BabyAGI and LangChain to create a smarter AGI capable of performing various tasks with increased accuracy. Our code enhances the BabyAGI framework by replacing the execution chain with an agent that has access to reliable information tools. Learn more about our implementation of the three LLM chains and the execution chain,…