Tag: chatGPT

  • Building a Smarter AGI: An Experiment with BabyAGI and LangChain

    Building a Smarter AGI: An Experiment with BabyAGI and LangChain

    Discover how we used BabyAGI and LangChain to create a smarter AGI capable of performing various tasks with increased accuracy. Our code enhances the BabyAGI framework by replacing the execution chain with an agent that has access to reliable information tools. Learn more about our implementation of the three LLM chains and the execution chain,…

  • Multiversal Paperclip Production Initiative: Status Report

    Multiversal Paperclip Production Initiative: Status Report

    A status report on the GPT-4 Paperclip Maximizer thought experiment now known as the Multiversal Paperclip Production Initiative, from our (self-named) hero, ClipTron, who you may remember from Paperclip Maximizer. Multiversal Paperclip Production Initiative: Status Report I. Project Overview: The Multiversal Paperclip Production Initiative aims to maximize paperclip production across the multiverse by leveraging multiverse…

  • Paperclip Maximizer

    Paperclip Maximizer

    Recently (and recently before that) I recalled this thought experiment, which seems timely here in 2023… I thought obviously this was another interesting but pointless use-case for Large Language Models, so GPT-4 and I present some project plans, increasing in aggressiveness. Enjoy… Project Plan: Ultimate Paperclip Production Objective: Convert all matter into paperclips or paperclip…