Drinking ‘out of control’

ALCOHOL is the nation’s ‘drug of choice’, with 5million Australians regularly drinking too much, the Salvation Army has warned.

Releasing new research showing 31 per cent of people older than 14 knocked back between six and 30 drinks in one session at least once a month, Major Mark Campbell yesterday said alcohol was ‘out of control’ in society.

But the survey, by pollsters Roy Morgan, also revealed fewer young people were binge drinking, the first fall since 2001.

Australian alcohol consumption guidelines allow a maximum of six drinks a session for men and four for women, with one or two alcohol-free days a week.

The survey showed that in the 14 to 24-year age group, 51 per cent of men and 62 per cent of women drank responsibly – up from 39 per cent and 50 per cent last year.






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