A poem from a supporter of the campaign

A big thanks to George Pritchard, of London, UK. He’s a 9 (and a half) year old supporter of Greenpeace and this campaign of ours. We’re proudly displaying it in the Whale Embassy for everyone to see.

In the seas of Africa a Whale sleeps so peacefully,
When suddenly, indecently a silver ship docks,
With harpoons and ropes and men with yellow coats.
Load the guns and they’re off.

There, they see one.
And now they’re all armed and ready
to get that creature on it’s belly.
When suddenly Greenpeace comes.
In the way of the harpoon they stand,
And stop the whale from dying.

See that now it is good to join that place.
Cos’ you must remember that whales are a thing of grace.

by George Pritchard.






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