Finally I’m Clean

Headed down to the Rainbow Warrior for a nice hot shower today – unfortunately it’s departing tomorrow so I’m not sure where my next shower will come from. Things are coming together nicely with our roles in camp becoming more clarified. Tomorrow I’m incredibly lucky to be getting out of here for some of the day – KFEM are taking a few of us with them and a bunch of high school students to see some allegedly pretty forest nearby – a welcome change from this ‘pollution supermarket’ as Koreans call this area, as ‘whatever type of pollution you want you can find right here.’

I was also told today that there are 18 nuclear reactors in the area. Great place for any environmentalist – next to the whale museum there’s a small Korean Navy Base, then hordes of fishing boats, then more heavy industry and cetacean restaurants as far as the eye can see. Nice. Anyhow, I don’t have to do a watch in the middle of the night tonight – there’s enough of us here now so that we only have to do watches every second night. So I’m signing off for what will hopefully be a night of uninterupted sleep.






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