Follow The Five

Follow The Five: “Water saving becomes permanent for Melbourne households with the introduction of permanent water saving rules on 1 March.

The five new commonsense rules will establish water saving as a life long habit.

* Use manual watering systems only between 8pm and 10am

Manual watering systems (that you turn on or off by hand) can only be used to water gardens and lawns between 8pm-10am, any day of the week. This rule also applies to public gardens and recreational areas.

* Use automatic watering systems only between 10pm and 10am

Automatic watering systems (that are set to turn on and off automatically) can only be used to water gardens and lawns between 10pm-10am,any day of the week. A rain or soil moisture sensor must be fitted to all new systems installed from 1 September 2005. These rules also apply to public gardens and recreational areas.

* Fit your hose with a trigger nozzle

A hand-held hose must be fitted with a trigger nozzle and can be used to wash your car and water your gardens and lawns at any time.

* No hosing paved areas

Hosing down driveways, paths, concrete and other paved areas is not permitted.

* Apply to fill a pool

Before filling a new pool or spa with a capacity of 2,000 litres or more, owners must submit a plan and have it approved by their government water retailer. This plan must show how the volume of water required to fill the pool or spa will be, or has been, offset by water saved around the home. This rule only applies to new pools or spas

Remember penalties apply for non compliance.

Permanent Water Saving Rules Fact Sheet

PDF Icon Vehicle Cleaning Fact Sheet (PDF – 71 Kb)

PDF Icon Swimming Pools and Spas Fact Sheet (PDF – 85 Kb)

PDF Icon Gardens and Lawns Fact Sheet (PDF – 81 Kb)

PDF Icon Paved Areas Fact Sheet (PDF – 80 Kb)

PDF Icon General Exemptions Fact Sheet (PDF “






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