ALP wants inquiry into CSIRO gag claims – Breaking News – National – Breaking News

“Labor is calling for a broad inquiry into allegations by senior CSIRO scientists they were gagged from airing their concerns over climate change.

Environmental group Greenpeace also wants an inquiry that would also include wider claims of coal industry interference in government policy-making on climate change.

Three eminent Australian scientists have told the ABC’s Four Corners program to be broadcast on Monday night that they have been censored.

Labor’s science and training spokeswoman Jenny Macklin described the situation as a national disgrace.

She said Labor would pursue the claims at Senate estimates this week but wanted a broader inquiry.

‘These scientists have been gagged for talking about one of the most important issues facing the world, and that is climate change,’ Ms Macklin told reporters.

‘We want to make sure that our scientists can speak freely, can make sure that our politicians, our government departments and the public really do understand the critical importance of the science of climate change, and we cannot afford to have these scientists gagged.”






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