Climate experts ‘muzzled’ over greenhouse – Top stories – Breaking News 24/7 –

“THREE of the CSIRO’s top climate change experts were repeatedly gagged from talking about cutting greenhouse emissions by an increasingly censorious organisation worried about continued government funding.
In claims to be aired on the ABC’s Four Corners program tonight, former CSIRO climate director Graeme Pearman says he was told ‘at least a half a dozen times’ not to talk publicly when it reflected poorly on government policy.

Dr Pearman, who won a UN environment award in 1989 and an Order of Australia in 1999, told the program he first came under scrutiny when he joined the Australian Climate Change Group, which recommended a 60 per cent reduction in emissions by 2050.

After 33 years at the CSIRO, he was made redundant in 2004.

‘As far as I can see, the CSIRO was enormously frightened of the idea that anyone in government might interpret a piece of information that I was communicating from the basis of scientific knowledge as being critical of government policy,’ he said.”






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