the melbourne graffiti games

the melbourne graffiti games:

“Join the 2006 Graffiti Games!

A recent report commissioned by the City of Melbourne acknowledged street art as a legitimate art form and called for the setting up of “maximum tolerance zones” where artists could work on their pieces undisturbed by either police or council security. Despite the report gaining support from Crime Prevention Victoria and Melbourne Police Superintendent Mick Williams, the Council’s misleadingly named Community and Culture Committee have decided to ignore its findings and strike a blow against Melbourne’s culture by imposing a “zero tolerance” anti-street art policy.

Michael Stewart, spokesperson for the Graffiti Games Organising Committee (GGOC) has stated “In the time honoured tradition of other cities which have hosted the Commonwealth Games the council is now attempting to sterilise Melbourne by making it “the most unliveable city” for anyone failing to shape up their expectations of happy, shiny shoppers. With street artists and the homeless currently being purged how long can it be until people with less than $100 in their pockets, non-designer tracksuits or crooked teeth also find themselves “United By The Moment” in being frogmarched to the city limits for fear of cluttering up the view for wealthy tourists?”

In response to this, and the Victorian Government’s decision to waste $1 million dollars of tax-payers’ money in setting up an anti-graffiti taskforce, GGOC have announced the commencement of the 2006 Graffiti Games. During the Graffiti Games, which begin next week and end in April 2006, the entire Central Business District has been declared a “maximum tolerance zone” open to street art of all forms.Unlike the elitist Commonwealth Games the Graffiti Games will be open to anyone with a spray-can and a good or bad idea. The entire population of Victoria, as well as interstate and international visitors, are encouraged to compete. Although all who take part, and the public at large, will be winners in this “






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