What a beautiful little monkey!

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8 responses to “What a beautiful little monkey!”

  1. Unknown Avatar

    whos eyes does she have?? looks like ads.. by the way love the dino blanket! rrraaw!
    hope you guys are all doing well. thinking of you in rainy london. love sam xox

  2. David Avatar

    Good job guys, I’m a proud Grandfather, just call me Kakek from now on.

    Wow, she really is quite lovely for a baby.

    Cheers, David & Moira

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    My beautiful niece!!!! Yep, looks like me! Love that hair!!! Miss you guys and hope to see you sometime soon. Love Leah

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    the most relaxed looking baby ever. Her eyes look like she knows what’s going on already! What a beautiful girl… best looking niece ever I reckon.. Have spread the word to Kathy & Simon and Helen and Rob.
    Can’t wait to hug you all
    xxxx jac xxxx

  5. Darcy Wedd Avatar

    Very cute indeed. Maya is a beautiful name and that’s one wicked head of hair 🙂

    Congratulations guys.

    With love from Uncle Darcy

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    Whats this about little monkey! …..Maya is a beautiful little doll. She has the face of an old soul, does she not?
    Her hair is amazing and so dark, not a blondy like her Dad was.
    See you soon. Lots of love, B. XXx

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    Congratulations on your beautiful baby daughter Maya, she’s a stunner! All the best, hope everyone is doing well,
    Love Shaun, Amie and Jayde from Denmark!!!!

  8. Anonymous Avatar

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