Greenpeace targets dairy giant over GM – 23/10/2007

from ABC Rural:

Greenpeace targets dairy giant over GM

Tuesday, 23/10/2007

Greenpeace activists are targetting a major milk processor in Melbourne, trying to halt the dairy industry’s support of genetically modified crops.

Murray Goulburn, produces milk, butter and cheese, and is one of the largest processors in the country.

Earlier this year the dairy industry reversed its position on the introduction of GM crops.

Louise Sales from Greenpeace says today’s protest at Murray Goulburn’s headquarters is an attempt to secure a meeting with management.

“We believe they should be representing consumers, and consumers have made it clear they don’t want to eat GE food,” she says.

“Opinion polls consistently show that and Murray Goulburn should be respecting the wishes of its consumers and keeping its Devondale products GE free, and supporting the extension of the food crop bans.”

No-one from Murray Goulburn has been available for comment.






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