Getting excited about Tasmania – one week to go!

So i’ve been doing a little research, nabbing some good links from Sustainable Living Tasmania:

Tasmanian Environment Centres / Environmental Organisations

Launceston Environment Centre
The Launceston Environment Centre (LEC) is a non-profit community organisation that has been working on environmental issues in northern Tasmania since 1974.

North West Environment Centre
The North West Environment Centre is a newly established centre in Burnie, working to embrace a better future for North West Tasmania.

Huon Valley Environment Centre
The Huon Valley Environment Centre (HVEC) is a volunteer-based organisation that provides the public with access to information and educational materials on environmental issues. HVEC is at the centre of the campaign to gain protection for the old growth forests of the Huon valley.

The Environment Association (Deloraine)
The Environment Association (TEA) is a community-based organisation, run entirely by volunteers. TEA provides information and assistance to the community, and campaigns for nature conservation.

Tasmanian Conservation Trust
The Tasmanian Conservation Trust (TCT) was formed in 1968 and aims to foster and assist in the conservation of flora, fauna and important natural, archaeological and cultural features, especially those that directly affect Tasmania.

The Wilderness Society (Tasmania)
The Wilderness Society (TWS) is a community-based environmental advocacy organisation whose mission is protecting, promoting and restoring wilderness and natural processes across Australia for the survival and ongoing evolution of life on Earth.

Tasmanian National Parks Association
The Tasmanian National Parks Association Inc. (TNPA) was formed in 2001 to provide a public voice committed to the conservation of Tasmania’s magnificent national parks and reserves.

Tasmanian Land Conservancy
The Tasmanian Land Conservancy is a non-profit organisation that acquires and manages land in Tasmania, protecting important natural places.

Environment Tasmania
Environment Tasmania is the representative body for Tasmania’s Environment movement, made up of more than 20 environment and conservation non-government organisations from across the state.

Natural Resource Management Tasmania
Natural Resource Mangement (NRM) in Tasmania complements all the ongoing natural resource management work undertaken by Federal and State governments, local government, and innumerable individuals, groups and businesses.

Climate Change

Australian Greenhouse Office
The Australian Greenhouse Office, part of the Department of the Environment and Heritage, delivers the majority of programmes under the Australian Government’s climate change strategy.

Climate Action Network Australia
Climate Action Network Australia (CANA) is an alliance of over 30 regional, state and national environmental, health, community development, and research groups from throughout Australia. CANA was formed in 1998 to be the Australian branch of the global CAN network, with representative groups in over 70 nations.

Climate Crisis
The website accompanying Al Gore’s remarkable film ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. Contains climate change news, science, action ideas, and links to useful sites.

Sustainable Housing and Building

Australian Government ‘Your Home’ guide
An online guide to sustainable house design and building, containing the ‘Your Home’ technical manual.

Alternative Technology Association
The ATA (Alternative Technology Association) is Australia’s leading not-for-profit organisation promoting sustainable technology and practice, in order to protect our environment.


An excellent UK site with practical advice on green construction ideas and techniques.

Sustainable Transport

Bicycle Tasmania
Bicycle Tasmania is Tasmania’s bicycle advocacy group, and with interests in all forms of cycling.


State Government Recycling Directory
An A-Z directory of recycling providers. Find out where to recycle anything from used computers to old tyres.

Waste Management Association of Australia (Tas branch)
The Tasmanian branch of the Waste Management Association of Australia (WMAA). WMAA is the peak national forum working to shift the waste management industry towards economically and environmentally sustainable solutions.

An online exchange for unwanted items- and everything is free! Click on ‘Tasmania’, then find your local group.

Organic Food and Gardening

Hobart Organic Food Co-op
Community-run organic wholefoods shop, providing cheaper
organic foods and less packaging

Permaculture Association of Tasmania
The Permaculture Association of Tasmania is a network for the advancement of permaculture in Tasmania. They organise public events, member meetings, field days, and workshops in order to share the skills and knowledge that exists within the membership.

Eat Well Tasmania
Eat Well Tasmania is a State-wide program that provides support and assistance for activities or projects that promote enjoyable healthy eating. Includes information about community gardens – where they are, and how to set one up.

Native Gardening and Revegetation

The Understorey Network
An independent and not-for-profit community organisation promoting the protection of existing native vegetation, and the use of local native understorey in revegetation.

Greening Australia
Greening Australia are native vegetation experts who work in partnership with landholders, the community, government and business to tackle environmental degradation in a practical, apolitical, scientific way

Environmental planning / legal advice

Environmental Defenders Office (Tas)
The Environmental Defenders Office is a non-profit community legal centre advising on environmental and planning law, with the aim to assist and increase public awareness of environmental laws and remedies.

Green consumer guides

Green Pages Australia
Green Pages is a national directory of environmentally sustainable products and services. Green Pages also produce a magazine in two editions, for business and lifestyle. Both are available online or through our centre.






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