Facebook Post: 2010-02-04T08:35:22

Opera House ‘ninjas’ face court

On Friday 5th February, four Greenpeace activists face court after
scaling the Sydney Opera House to demand action on climate change in

On December 15th last year, the activists unfurled a 100m2 banner from
the roof of the Sydney Opera House during the Copenhagen Climate Summit,
bearing the message: ‘Stop The Politics, Climate Treaty Now.’

“Tackling climate change requires brave choices from our politicians
and in Copenhagen they were not up to the task,” said Greenpeace CEO
Dr Linda Selvey.

“In Australia, while the political game playing continues, we enter
2010 with a dozen new coal-fired power stations on the books. We are at
a crossroads, faced with dirty business as usual or a path to a low
carbon economy, which will protect our environment and create jobs.

“More than ever, now is the moment to stop the politics and take real
action on climate.”

Matt Kirkwood, Adrian Wedd, Erica Lattughi and Sheena Beaton will
appear in the Downing Centre Local Court at 10am on Friday morning. They
will be available for media interviews following the hearing.






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